Learnin’ stuff


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Well, it’s 2008… so happy new year, fellow hate-haters!!

This year is destined to be better than 2007, I think.  For a start, America’s going to replace George W Bush.  God knows who’ll be the new prez – but it’s got to be an improvement, no matter what.

The troops are due to get the hell out of Iraq this year, too.  That’s good news and no mistake!

But we’re still stuck with Gordon Brown and his entourage – his little Labour lackies.  There isn’t an election due for ages.  So, 2008 isn’t going to be all good.

Holdsworth appeal scheduled for April


Suzanne Holdsworth, who was convicted of a murder that may not have happened, is to have her appeal heard in April this year.

Last month, I reported how Ms Holdsworth’s phone privileges in prison had been withdrawn because she had spoken to reporters – a shocking attack on freedom of speech.  But there are many people who would argue that prisoners should have no right to freedom of speech.  Maybe prisoners should have no rights at all, eh?  Especially ones who are innocent…

Anyway, Ms Holdsworth’s partner, Lee Spencer, told us in this blog’s Comments that her appeal is due to be heard in April.  He wrote: “I am told its possible the case could collapse at the first sitting fingers crossed. But were keeping our feet firmly on the ground.”

Ms Holdsworth was convicted of murdering infant Kyle Fisher – she allegedly smashed Kyle’s head against a banister with a force akin to a 60mph car.  But a leading pathologist has rubbished this claim.