Spider on the wall…


I thought you might like to have a peek (eeek!) of a spider I met while tidying up my patio after the ravages of winter.  It was a bloody monster, and I was somewhat relieved when I discovered it was camera-shy and crept off soon after.

The camera I used was a Fujifilm S5700 bridge camera which boasts 7 megapixels!  I bought it in 2007, and it’s still giving me much enjoyment.  It’s my close-up camera, as its “super macro” mode lets it focus on objects that are very nearly touching the lens!  I don’t think I got quite that close to Itsy-Bitsy (I’m not arachnophobic but they do make me a little queasy… plus I didn’t recognise this particular species, for all I knew it might have been a poisonous one-bite-and-yer-brown-bread kind of beast).  Luckily I survived the encounter, and here is a (reduced in size) copy of its mugshot.


Not being an arachnophile, I have no idea at all what this species is called.  If anyone reading this knows, please share your knowledge via Comments.  Inquiring Minds Need To Know!  🙂

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Streets of London Redux


Parental Advisory - Explicit Shit!

(You have been warned!!)

Have you seen the old man who walks the streets of London
Lies in a doorway to kip when he is tired?
And have you seen the old man who walked the streets of London
Til kids with lighter fluid set the cunt on fire?

And have you seen the young girls who work the streets of London
Selling a piece of ass for a ten quid wrap of smack?
Have you seen the young girls who work the streets of London
Who’ll suck a dealer’s cock for a poxy pipe of crack?

So how can you tell me you’re lonely
And that for you the sun don’t shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I’ll show you something you’ll never understand.
Let me take you by the hand and drag you through the streets of London
I’ll show you something that’ll make you fucking sick!

Lyrics by Martin X
With apologies to Ralph McTell
and a nod to the Anti-Nowhere League

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