Should NATO stay in Libya until 2012?


Wednesday 26 October, 2011

Now that Libya has been “liberated” from Gadaffi’s regime, the interim government is asking NATO to stay until 2012 to “stop Gaddafi loyalists fleeing” the country. What do I say to this? I say “bollocks”!

NATO’s involvement was highly controversial to begin with. Initially it was just to stop pro-Gadaffi forces from killing civilians. It went on to act as unofficial air force for the rebels, destroying Gadaffi forces who weren’t actually threatening anyone. And now the new regime want us to help stop Gadaffi’s friends escaping. But that job is not a NATO concern – if the interim government want to capture these characters, they should get off their butts and do it themselves. What next – will the ex-rebels want NATO masseuses to help relieve their stress at the end of a a hard day?

And who are the interim government anyway? It looks to me like any Libyan who didn’t like Gadaffi is automatically a “good guy”. Experience in Iraq and Afghanistan should have taught NATO the stupidity of this philosophy.

NATO should never have got involved in the first place. And the idea of NATO boots on the ground is outrageous. Let the Libyans sort out their own problems. We’ve all got enough of our own problems to deal with.

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UK government: Robbing the poor to give to the rich


Leaked documents have revealed how HM Revenue and Customs have let off Goldman Sachs from paying a £10 million tax debt.  The £10 million is interest owed to the tax man after Goldman Sachs, a wealthy Wall Street banking firm, failed in its attempt to create a tax avoidance scam for its rich clients. Customs sources have privately admitted this was a cock-up, but refuse to reveal who exactly is to blame.

This is the same government who want to take benefits away from people who are too sick to work.  The Department of Work and Pensions have claimed that three quarters of incapacity benefit claimants are fit to work, despite what those people’s doctors have said, and the DWP are engaged in a process swapping benefit claimants from incapacity benefit to Employment Support Allowance – a process that claims to be “helping benefit claimants back into work” when its true purpose is to strip 75% of claimants of all their benefits.

Helping benefit claimants back into work is a laudable scheme.  But the DWP is actually trying to take benefits away from claimants whose doctors have declared them unfit to work.  Doctors do not make such declarations lightly.  But now the government is effectively saying that trained, experienced general practitioners actually don’t know what they’re doing; and the DWP is using so-called “health-care professionals” (many of whom have little if any relevant qualifications or experience) to declare that ill claimants aren’t ill at all – on the basis of a short interview that does not include any medical examination.

Robbing the poor to give to the rich – literally.  The British government is Robin Hood in reverse.  And the most terrible thing is that ministers are actually proud of their scheme!  Even the so-called “liberal” members of the coalition.  I don’t know who I’m going to vote for in the next general election, as none of the major parties are fit to rule.


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