Sign this petition: get those dodgy Murdochs run out of town!


I got an email from Becky Luff at Not much for me to add, so I’ll just repost what she wrote:

Dear Friends,

Rupert Murdoch is “not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company.”

This astounding quote from the House of Commons Select Committee — who have been investigating the role James and Rupert Murdoch played in the phone hacking scandal — has been splashed across the headlines.

But it’s not just Parliamentarians who are concerned by the Murdoch’s activities. Ofcom — the UK body responsible for licensing and regulating public broadcasting — began investigating the Murdoch-controlled BSkyB as a result of the News International phone hacking scandal, in order to assess whether BSkyB remains fit and proper to continue to hold its broadcast license.

Ofcom needs to follow the Select Committee’s lead, and deem Rupert Murdoch unfit to hold a UK broadcasting license. A huge public outcry will help show them they need to act quickly to revoke Murdoch’s BSkyB license, before more damage is done.

Sign our open letter to Ofcom telling it to revoke Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB license.

Despite BSkyB’s best efforts to distance themselves from the illegal activities of its parent company News Corporation, Ofcom has already made a connection by requesting evidence of phone hacking to include in its BSkyB investigation. With the Select Committee coming out strongly against Murdoch, it’s time for Ofcom to act and revoke Murdoch’s BSkyB license.

According to the Select Committee, the illegal phone hacking was merely a symptom of a much larger problem — a “culture permeated from the top” and one which shows a “lack of effective corporate governance”. A company like this should not be allowed to have a UK broadcasting license.

If Ofcom acts to revoke the license, the Murdochs will be forced out of UK broadcast media. What with this, the deluge of bad press News Corporation is receiving in the UK, and the number of politicians now looking to distance themselves from the family, we have a real chance of getting Murdoch’s biased and corrupt media empire out of the UK for good.

Join us in calling on Ofcom to revoke News Corporation’s broadcasting license of BSkyB.


Further reading:

“Murdoch: The damning verdict” – The Independent, May 2012

“Ofcom studies phone-hacking evidence in BSkyB ‘fit and proper’ probe” – The Guardian, May 2012

Do us all a favour. Sign the letter. That Rupert Murdoch’s some piece of work, and you know what they about apples not falling far from the tree.

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Do you want Rupert Murdoch to rule the world?


If, like me, you don’t want Australian-born tax-dodger Rupert Murdoch to take over the world, like the baddie from some appalling James Bond movie, sign this petition today! Or before Friday 31 December anyway, as that’s when the petition will be presented to the government.

It’s true that the petition may have no effect – chances are “Dave” Cameron will use it as toilet paper to wipe his fat complacent arse. But it might generate a little more public awareness of what damage Murdoch has inflicted on media in the USA, and how he will be able to do the same kind of crap in the UK unless we do something about it.

So take a precious minute or two to click on that link (here it is again, in case you can’t be bothered to scroll back up again), fill in the appropriate boxes and hit (or , or whatever the stupid button is labelled. Go on, make a horrible man feel a little more hated this new year!

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